O nás

Podporujeme inkluzívne vzdelávanie a rozvoj komunitných iniciatív pre znevýhodnené skupiny v Slovensku.

A collection of colorful sticky notes arranged in a grid on a whiteboard, conveying various company values and concepts such as 'Together,' 'Culture,' 'Innovation and Diversity,' 'Vision,' 'Equality,' and 'Respect.' Each note is a different color, including pink, blue, yellow, and green.
A collection of colorful sticky notes arranged in a grid on a whiteboard, conveying various company values and concepts such as 'Together,' 'Culture,' 'Innovation and Diversity,' 'Vision,' 'Equality,' and 'Respect.' Each note is a different color, including pink, blue, yellow, and green.
Several young individuals are sitting in a classroom or conference setting. One person is standing and smiling, while others are seated, some wearing masks. The atmosphere appears to be informal and engaging.
Several young individuals are sitting in a classroom or conference setting. One person is standing and smiling, while others are seated, some wearing masks. The atmosphere appears to be informal and engaging.

Naša lokalita

Naša činnosť sa sústreďuje na Slovensko, kde podporujeme inkluzívne vzdelávanie a komunitné iniciatívy pre znevýhodnené skupiny.


Slovensko, Európska únia


Pondelok - Piatok

Program leadership.sk mi pomohol rozvinúť moje zručnosti a porozumieť dôležitosti inklúzie v našej komunite. Odporúčam každému, kto chce prispieť k zmene.

Jana Nováková

A group of young people in formal attire, predominantly white shirts and ties, gathered indoors with some holding brochures or documents. They are smiling and appear to be posing for a group photo. The background is a busy, well-lit room with tables, chairs, and people engaged in various activities, possibly a conference or fair.
A group of young people in formal attire, predominantly white shirts and ties, gathered indoors with some holding brochures or documents. They are smiling and appear to be posing for a group photo. The background is a busy, well-lit room with tables, chairs, and people engaged in various activities, possibly a conference or fair.
